Monday Morning Mini-Muse.
/Originally posted on March 25, 2013
I love where I work. This fact is well-established. Yesterday, I was there for 13 hours, working harder than maybe I’ve ever worked in my whole life.
13 hours is a long time to be inside instead of out, to be away from my little familia, to be standing upright and walking around getting getting getting things.
At hour thirteen, nearly delirious, I sat beside my co-workers as we finished up the last of our tasks. I listened to people talking in hushed voices, listened to others screaming with laughter. I thought about the meal(s) they’d fed me, the espresso my boss had made because he knew I needed it, the needling I’d gotten when people realized that, in between shifts, I was grouchy, rooting through my make-up bag like a “rabid animal”. I sat there, delirious and smiling. Because it’s kind of a revelation, a place like this.
I came home, laughed with my husband. Kids slipped into our bed.
And today, just down the road, the new community farm is having a well dug.
They’re down there, digging deep inside, for something they’re sure they’ll find.