The One-Off

The three elements that make transformation both possible and repeatable are:

1. Honest internal assessment

2. Determining clear intentions

3. Taking congruent action

These are the three steps that will walk us through our 1.5 hour call together.

The One-Off is for you if:

  • You’re already engaged in deep internal transformation work, and want to get some quick-and-dirty clarity on an issue that’s hanging you up

  • You’re new to deep internal work, and are wanting to see what it’s all about

  • You’re wanting to gain some good clarity, and might not be able or ready to commit to long-term work right now



  • One 1.5 hour video call

  • A detailed and focused conversation regarding a specific issue with which you are currently struggling, questioning, growing, or simply being human in a way that could benefit from intentional, intuitive support

  • At least one action item to take off our call and into your life to help in your continuous transformation



Note: Because I know self-investment is both essential and sometimes hard to figure out, payment plans are available for everyone. If you want to talk about a payment plan, gimme a shout and we can talk about other ways to make this work.

Still have questions? Check out this page.